Fraud Awareness
Being aware and cautious helps you shield yourself from fraudsters trying to capture your personal information to open a fake account or loan, file a tax return, get access to medical care and many more forms of identity theft. It’s essential to safeguard your personal information to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands. We encourage you to start using these simple tips below.
- Never disclose sensitive information to anyone who contacts you online or over the phone. Protect your PINs and passwords and do not share with anyone, even family or friends.
- Monitor your credit report regularly for financial fraudulent transactions.
- Use NetBranch Digital Services to monitor your accounts regularly and sign up for account alerts for certain balances or large withdrawals.
- Protect your computer and ensure you have virus protection software and visit only safe secure websites when online.
- Use HEBFCU’s identity theft resolution and education service COMPLIMENTARY with your HEBFCU checking, money market account, or credit card. Take advantage of this service powered by CyberScout. With proactive assistance for victims of wallet and purse theft, phone calls and documentation to resolve your identity theft, credit monitoring for all victims, and more. Click here to learn more!
Partnership between the credit union and our members can help combat fraud with these helpful tips. If you or your Partners have any questions, please call the credit union at 210.938.7850 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.