NetBranch Upgrades for Mobile and Online

Wednesday, August 2, 2023, we will upgrade the HEBFCU Mobile App to include a new design. We’ll also introduce a digital assistant, available to you in both NetBranch Mobile and Online.

No action is required on your part to take advantage of these enhancements; you will see them when you log in beginning August 2.

Mobile App Upgrade

The first redesign you’ll notice is the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Move Money will replace Make a Transfer, which will link to a landing page for:

  • Internal Transfers
  • Bill Pay
  • External Transfers
  • Loan Payment with External Debit Card

The More menu will also feature a new layout. Items that are used most often will appear at the top of the page for quick and easy access.

  • Apply for a Loan
  • Add New Account
  • CardValet
  • Credit Score
  • Send Money with Zelle®

The redesigned layout features two columns and selections are grouped conveniently by function.

Screenshot images are representative and selections you see will be determined by services used at HEBFCU.

Introducing ABBY

We are pleased to introduce ABBY, our intelligent digital assistant, also known as a chatbot. Beginning August 2, ABBY will be available in the mobile app as well as NetBranch online 24/7. ABBY can assist you with account balances and transactions, share information on other services, and much more. During and after business hours, chat with ABBY for answers to your questions.

We hope these new features enhance your digital experience. If you have any questions about the new design, call or text us at 210.938.7850.